Chicago International Advisement Lawyers


International Advisement Lawyers in Chicago

Comprehensive Support for Family Law Clients with Global Needs

Some family law clients face international elements in their cases, which create complications that few attorneys can address. Family law issues are mostly a matter subject to state laws in the U.S., which can differ from one state to the next. Combine this issue with an international facet and you will need proficiency at the state level, along with an understanding of foreign laws, culture, and language. 

At Reed, Centracchio & Associates, LLC, we provide professional services in Illinois for individuals located in the U.S., and we are informally affiliated with the independent law office of Isabelle Gandonniere in Lyon, France; Marco Calabrese in Rome, Italy; and Carlo Bottino in Milan, Italy. Thus, we can provide international advisement on foreign factors that can impact the resolution of your family law matter, whether it concerns divorce, child custody, or some other issue. 

Key Family Law Issues Affected by International Elements

Family law cases impacted by the complexities of international factors can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Creating valid prenuptial agreements between international partners with assets in different countries
  • International divorce
  • Child abduction, in which a parent moves a child to another country
  • Child custody issues involving parents separated internationally
  • Locating, valuing, and dividing marital assets held abroad in a divorce
  • Business interests in another country as they relate to family law
  • Enforcement of foreign divorce, child custody, and child support orders
  • International travel with a child after divorce.

Any number of issues relating to international couples and families can arise in which you will need the advice pertinent to your individual circumstances. 

Our firm is uniquely able to provide this type of assistance in many cases. Attorney Bryan V. Reed maintains an understanding of foreign languages and cultures that prove valuable to our clients. Having traveled to nearly every country in the EU and performed work assignments in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, Mr. Reed understands the international issues that confront divorce clients whose dissolution actions might touch on or concern more than one country. 

Drawing on such experience, Mr. Reed recently succeeded in winning a landmark decision for one of our clients, where following two weeks of trial on the issue and extensive oral arguments before the Appellate Court, Illinois for the first time in history dismissed a divorce case and sent it to another country (France) on the basis of forum non-conveniens (this refers to a court’s power to dismiss cases that are more appropriate to being heard in another court). 

Contact Us for a Free Consultation with a Chicago Family Law Attorney Connect with us online or at (312) 500-8344.